Biomedical Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing Lab


研究介紹 (Research Instroduction)

1. 體外大腦灌流對大腦神經功能之影響
(Impact of Extracorporeal Cerebral Perfusion on Neurological Functions)


心臟體外灌流(cardiac extracorporeal perfusion,CPB)是心臟手術中使用的關鍵手術,但它可能影響患者的認知功能。本研究旨在透過分析腦電圖(electroencephalography,EEG)數據來研究體外循環對神經功能的影響,並採用深度學習技術來擷取腦電圖訊號的特徵,以預測手術後的認知能力變化。

Cardiac extracorporeal perfusion (CPB) is a key procedure used in cardiac surgery, but it may affect patients’ cognitive function. This study aims to (1) investigate the impact of CPB on neurological functions via electroencephalographical (EEG) data and to (2) develop deep learning architectures which capture the characteristics of EEG signals for the prediction of cognitive function after CPB.

2. 機車騎乘對高齡長者之壓力
(The Stress of Scooter Riding on Elderly People)



This study explores the stress experienced by elderly individuals while riding scooters and how this stress affects their heart rate. We assess stress levels during scooter rides through questionnaires and also measure PPG (photoplethysmography) signals under normal conditions (while filling out questionnaires) and during the stressful activity of riding. This allows us to compare heart rate variations when they are riding a scooter.

3. 經皮耳神經迷走神經刺激(taVNS)對泌尿疾病的治療
(Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (taVNS) for the Treatment of Urological Disorders)



Medications often have limited effectiveness for patients with difficult-to-treat urological disorders, highlighting the need for alternative therapies to improve quality of life. This study investigates the effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on urological conditions. taVNS involves applying electrical stimulation to the auricular branch of the vagus nerve to modulate sensory networks in the brain, which may enhance the bladder's sensory and control functions. In this experiment, participants will undergo taVNS twice weekly for four weeks. We are going to collect data on urological function, biochemical tests, and brain activity before and after treatment to evaluate the efficacy of taVNS and explore its underlying mechanisms.

4. 迷走神經電刺激反應者預測 (taVNS Responder Prediction)


神經調控為重要的替代性療法,但有約三成的受試者使用經皮耳迷走神經刺激(taVNS)時並沒有預期效果,如能建立個體對神經調控效果的預測模型,將可以有效減少醫療資源浪費。本研究目標在利用機器學習和深度學習技術,從磁振造影(MRI)和光體積描記圖(PPG)資料來預測對taVNS療法之效果,本研究所開發之模型將為taVNS 治療提供精準化的智慧工具,並提供與taVNS治療機制相關的腦科學證據。

Neuromodulation is a crucial alternative therapy, but approximately 30% of participants do not experience the expected effects from transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS). Developing a predictive model for individual responses to neuromodulation could significantly reduce the waste of medical resources. This research aims to use machine learning and deep learning techniques to predict the effectiveness of taVNS therapy by analyzing MRI and photoplethysmography (PPG) data. The model developed in this study will provide a precision tool for taVNS treatment and offer neuroscience evidence related to the mechanisms of taVNS therapy.

進行中計畫 (Ongoing Projects)

應用多模神經與生理訊號開發用於內感受調控之經皮迷走神經刺激技術與其效能預測 (主持人) ,國科會個人型專題研究計畫
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in interoception modulation and its efficacy prediction based on multimodal neurophysiological data (PI) Research Project Grant (Individual Research), MOST, Taiwan

經皮耳迷走神經刺激(taVNS)對難治型膀胱過動症的治療的初步探索 (共同主持人) ,衛生福利部台南醫院策略聯盟研究計畫
Exploring the Therapeutic Potential: A Preliminary Investigation into Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) Efficacy for Refractory Overactive Bladder Syndrome (co-PI) Strategic Alliance Research Program, Tainan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan

體外大腦灌流對大腦神經功能和頭部血行動力之影響 (協同研究) ,成大醫院醫療科技研究計劃-前瞻整合型計畫
Impact of extracorporeal cerebral perfusion on neurological functions and hemodynamics (Co-researcher) Medical Technology Research Project - Foresight Integrated Research Program, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan

Development of noninvasive neuromodulation techniques to enhance resilience to depression (PI)
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (KAKENHI), JSPS, Japan

Automatic assessment of somatic depressive symptoms from physiological signals (PI)
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (KAKENHI), JSPS, Japan

Development of taVNS-based technology for the treatment of urinary urge incontinence (co-PI)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (KAKENHI), JSPS, Japan

Development of online group CBT for chronic pain and verification of treatment effect (co-PI)
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (KAKENHI), JSPS, Japan